Pop-In Instant Noodle / Nor Balqish Anisa Mazlan ... [et al.]

Mazlan, Nor Balqish Anisa and Mohd Risal, Farhana Aisyah and Zulkefeley, Nur Aleah and Azahari, Nur Liyana and Johari, Nurul Fasihah (2023) Pop-In Instant Noodle / Nor Balqish Anisa Mazlan ... [et al.]. [Entrepreneurship Project] (Unpublished)


Jahoo enterprise is a new build company that provides innovation on food packaging to increase the efficiency and quality of food products. As self heating packaging gains interest towards people, the company is taking this opportunity to innovate a new product related with self heating packaging. A pop-in instant noodle was introduced as a new invention of self heating instant noodle packaging with a better moderation on the lid to ease the customer. Many research and observations to develop the products so that the products can work better and efficiently. The invention of the product is to help busy people, travellers and campers prepare a meal faster without making any mess. The concept of the products is travel friendly in which the products can be brought to any place. The products are safe to use for children above 6 years old as they do not have to boil the water on their own or take hot water in high places which may be dangerous to them. Furthermore, this product will help students who are busy with their assignments and studies to have a proper meal as instant noodles is one of the foods that most students eat. In addition, the survey through questionnaires was distributed among people to get their feedback about the products. Many people give positive feedback as they find the innovation of the packaging is a new thing as we introduced pop seasoning lid.


Item Type: Entrepreneurship Project
Email / ID Num.
Mazlan, Nor Balqish Anisa
Mohd Risal, Farhana Aisyah
Zulkefeley, Nur Aleah
Azahari, Nur Liyana
Johari, Nurul Fasihah
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HB Economic Theory. Demography > Entrepreneurship. Risk and uncertainty
Divisions: Universiti Teknologi MARA, Negeri Sembilan > Kuala Pilah Campus
Keywords: Pop-In, Instant Noodle, self-heating, ENT600
Date: 2023
URI: https://ir.uitm.edu.my/id/eprint/79401
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