Effectiveness of the performance management system implemented in EON Bank Berhad / Khadam Husain Syed Mohd and Abd Rahman Mat Nordin

Syed Mohd, Khadam Husain and Mat Nordin, Abd Rahman (2007) Effectiveness of the performance management system implemented in EON Bank Berhad / Khadam Husain Syed Mohd and Abd Rahman Mat Nordin. [Student Project] (Unpublished)


This is a study on the Performance Management System (PMS) introduced by EON Bank Berhad and factors which eventually affected the level of satisfaction among the EON Bank Berhad employees towards the Performance Management System. This study was carried out only at EON Banks' Perak branches and the results obtained from these branches is hoped to represent the overall sentiment of all the other 216 branches and centre throughout the country. The Performance Management System (PMS) is an organizational and management system that relates performance objectives to organizational goals and objectives. The introduction of PMS in EON Bank Berhad however led to resentment among the employees as they felt threatened especially with regard to their seniority and career development. As such the general objective of this study is to determine the factors affecting the level of satisfaction among employees towards Performance Management System as a tool for performance appraisal in EON Bank Berhad. The identified factors with the highest satisfaction level will show that the PMS implementation is benefiting both the organization and its employees. A high satisfaction level would indicate that the system is effective for the management and accepted by the employees whereas factors with low satisfaction level would indicate otherwise.


Item Type: Student Project
Email / ID Num.
Syed Mohd, Khadam Husain
Mat Nordin, Abd Rahman
Email / ID Num.
Mohd Nor, Norlida
Divisions: Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam > Faculty of Business and Management
Programme: Master of Business Administration
Keywords: EON, bank, system
Date: 2007
URI: https://ir.uitm.edu.my/id/eprint/72469
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