Registered estate agent provides services as the agent acts as a go-between for the owner and the buyer, assisting with their negotiations to reach an agreed sale price for the property and will continue to follow up with the owner until the property is legally transferred to the new owner. Understanding the core competencies as an estate agent is the most important thing to deliver more value to their client. The core competencies include visionary, passionate, communicative, strategic, focused, persuasive, understanding and compassionate. The aim of the research is to identify the main problems faced by estate agent in conducting their professionalism. Therefore, interviews are carried out among the registered estate agent in Kajang, Selangor. The data were analyzed after the interview session. After data analysis, the main problems in practicing their profession that lead them to not competent in their professionalism are communication skills and lack of knowledge of the registered estate agent. As a conclusion, competency is one of the value that encourage client to appoint registered estate agent and use their service in order to complete their transaction of property.